Digital literacy for children – 10 things to know

This article from UNICEF explains 10 of the most crucial elements of digital literacy for children, which are critical elements of skills needed at school, in later work and later on as a general skill for life. As defined below digital literacy refers to knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable children to flourish and grow…

La falsa dicotomía entre papel y pantalla

Desde hace años vivimos en un mundo que compagina el uso de pantallas y papel. Este artículo en El País argumenta que nuestros cerebros han ido modificándose según los avances tecnológicos. Hoy en día “Internet permite ahora no solo almacenar y compartir grandes cantidades de información y conocimiento, sino interactuar a través de las pantallas”.…

The state of school education – one year into the COVID pandemic

This OECD report (in collaboration with UNESCO, UNICEF and The World Bank) gives a cross section how countries responded to the pandemic, ranging from school closures, remote learning, teacher vaccination and in some cases the return to in-class teaching. Traditional inequalities, normally less visible to the general public, have become amplified by the crisis, exposing…