Covid: Poor pupils fall further behind in maths

A recent study by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and reported by the BBC, suggests that those primary-school children who are eligible for free school meals have fallen behind their classmates in mathematics since the first lockdown in 2020. This is yet another pointer to the digital divide and the learning gap between the well…

Are all young people digital whiz-kids?

When we read about young people they are frequently defined with terms such as “digital natives”. As discussed in this article by UNESCO the implication is that growing up in a world far more technically advanced each day gives them a built-in sensitivity and awareness to technology, as well as a preference for the visual.…

Lockdowns hurt child speech and language skills – report

New research carried out in England and reported on the BBC shows that the last year of lockdown has affected young children’s language skills. The evidence shows that “poor speech development can have long-term effects on learning”. Lack of contact with the wider family as well as teachers and other children is normally an important…

How to Help Your Adolescent Think About the Last Year

Many schools in the US are calling it a “lost year”. As students spent the year learning from home those who had started a new school have never met any classmates or made friends. All of this, according to the NY Times has led to much loneliness. The middle schoolers (young teenage children) often have…

UK schools speak out against rules on European language teaching

The Brexit immigration policy is starting to affect the ability to attract – and pay for – language assistants. According to the Financial Times “language assistants must either apply for visas which require longer working hours at higher pay, or use a special route which requires supervision by a sponsoring organisation and is limited to…

Los alumnos españoles, peor preparados para detectar textos sesgados y evaluar las fuentes que la media de la OCDE

Los informes PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) son el barómetro de países OCDE de niños de 15 años, a nivel mundial, que miden el rendimiento académico de los alumnos en matemáticas, ciencia y lectura. Según este artículo de El País, los jóvenes en España tienen “más dificultades para identificar textos sesgados que las que…

Covid-19 creates a window for school reform in Africa

In recent posts we have highlighted some of the discussion in government and the media around the concept of “catch-up”. This article from The Economist focuses on some of the challenges faced in sub-saharan Africa where “many school systems cling to over-stuffed curriculums” and a system that is inflexible and inevitably leaving behind many children…