Keeping children safe has to be one of the highest goals for families, society and governments. According to UNESCO “a billion children around the world experience violence in one form or another”. As well as physical risks there are digital risks. Schools have a key role to play in preventing and detecting issues in this regard. A UNESCO report (Education in the Digital Age) published this month goes on to confirm “Digital risks such as cyberbullying and revenge porn can negatively impact child well-being, and concerns over children’s privacy may encompass the collection of children’s personal data by third party actors without the child’s consent”. Initiatives to protect children’s safety online need to ensure that they can learn, explore and benefit from what digital content can offer to the learning process. Escudo Web´s solutions seek to protect children online, ensuring that they are shielded from inappropriate content but can also aid parents to set filter levels suitable to their age as well as building in tools to enable them to manage what a child can access in terms of apps and freeze a device’s screen, thereby stopping addiction to technology.