Covid and our response to this pandemic has resulted in us taking a quite short-term view of education: constantly changing government rules, social distancing, online and hybrid, quarantine and much more. This article from TES suggests that now is the time to start to look up and ahead, at last. However, this is not to say that it’s a situation of back to normal. Trudi Lang, senior fellow in management practice at the Said Business School at the University of Oxford suggests that “Leaders are in a position now to say, ‘OK, we’ve been in a crisis, we’ve made sense of that. Now, what could happen over the next five to 10 years that we need to build into our strategy to enable us to meet our purpose?”. Being prepared for disruption, like that experienced in the last 15 months will help us prepare better for the future and put in place contingency plans for running a school as best as possible in difficult scenarios, seeing where and how they can adapt and grow. Being proactive at this stage is crucial and seeking positivity for the future is very important to change the tone of thoughts and make the best of some of the good things that have come about from a long period of difficulties. Once a plan has been formulated this then needs to be communicated to all stakeholders so that the goals become shared and staff refocus on these new tasks and objectives.