Despite mounting evidence supporting the case, there are still many countries and governments that believe that with increasing Covid infections schools should not remain open. However, there are now multiple studies that show that keeping schools open – and continuing to allow children to learn effectively – does in fact reduce deaths. In any scenario prediction sophisticated software models are developed that, using multiple inputs of information, try to forecast the “what happens next?”. These models can be improved by adding more variables and increasing data sources, and in particular adding real-world data. This latest research from the @University of Edinburgh showed that “Closing schools during the pandemic would result in more overall deaths in the long term than keeping them open”. While in March the decision to close schools did help at the time, this is  no longer the case. The latter scenario was also a blessing in disguise as schools were forced to adopt digital solutions to ensure that education continued. This investment (as well as the steep learning curve) will help make learning be more effective going forward. As for digital safeguarding online ours is one of the most effective and complete.