While most of the focus and discussion around education has been on the children and teachers, perhaps a thought should be given to the poor parents who have had to juggle jobs, commitments and responsibilities around home-based educational support. This article, by Greater Good, written from a psychologist’s perspective, seeks to add some narrative around the subject, and in many cases anger, about a clearly deficient situation, “the lack of an effective response to the pandemic working-parent dilemma may also be inevitable. There are, quite simply, no good solutions to be had”. But at the end of the day there are few alternatives to the current situation nor few quick fixes that many families find themselves in. While we hope that things might get better soon, the reality is in the article’s conclusion that “The difficulties of the present aren’t likely to subside anytime soon.” We need to accept, channel our anger and frustration as effectively as possible and accept the situation, drawing pleasure from small moments of enjoyment between the long hours and effort.
