While many teachers have been challenged by the need to deliver both classroom and online lessons, sometimes simultaneously, there has been very little analysis of this. YouGov and Microsoft carried out a study on more than 1,000 UK teachers. This highlighted a “lack of clear strategy from school leaders, IT departments and classroom staff to combine technology and learning as effectively as possible”. Nearly 75% of respondents at primary and secondary-level also think that “students will still need to rely heavily on digital tools for learning, despite schools reopening in September”. This realisation that the tech is here to stay is a positive one that will bring benefits to learning in the short and medium term. Additionally, “88% agreed that COVID-19 and the resulting school closures has accelerated the adoption of hybrid learning” and 74% confirmed that digital learning platforms will be ‘critical’ to education post-pandemic. Forced or not, hybrid learning can ensure children are kept safe where need be but that teachers need to be equipped with the right tools. Escudo Web has valuable tools to help make this easier and ensure that children remain on task during classes, independently of where they are physically.
