Sadly, the pandemic has taken a great toll health-wise on minorities. This has also been reflected on the educational front. In the US there have been large investments to bridge some of the digital divide (91% of US households with K–12 students have access to a device and internet access) that exists in other parts of the world. However, in spite of this, according to McKinsey “Black and Hispanic students continue to be more likely to remain remote and are less likely to have access to the prerequisites of learning—devices, internet access, and live contact with teachers. Left unaddressed, these opportunity gaps will translate into wider achievement gaps”. With many schools in the US closed the situation is currently dragging on, making the gaps in knowledge wider. White students are currently 4 – 8 months behind, yet those of colour are as much as 6 – 12 months behind. Children who most needed the time to learn in class, have been dealt a double blow, and their families are also the most reluctant to allow their children to return to school, compounding the problem even further. Getting them back in class has to be priority number one, and ensuring that if they have to learn remotely then the tools are in place to support them.