As schools in India, following their closure, have tried to cope with the objective of teaching online one in Kashmir has come up with an interesting approach. With an impressive landscape and a huge expanse of open areas, the school has now moved outdoors. With no tourists breaking up the serenity of the locations they are proving ideal tranquil spots where social distancing can be followed and learning can continue. There are, however, challenges for villages “especially those in rural areas and poorly funded government schools, have struggled to attend classes online due to spotty connectivity and shortage of phones in a single household”. Escudo Web has developed an innovative solution that, despite a lack of internet coverage, with a modest investment in tablets and our CAP with an Intel processor, can enable a digital education with all the benefits of this and effective learning, with all students having access to digital educational content and managed by the teacher. We can make this happen all over the world where internet infrastructure is still many years away. For more information on our Learning Everywhere solution please contact us.