Landing page

Classroom Manager software At Escudo Web we have a decade´s worth of experience developing software solutions for the education sector. Having initially developed a filter for protecting children when online we have taken this much further with other functions integrated into this fundamental aspect of safeguarding. As technology, and platforms and programmes have advanced so…

General considerations for the implementation of a digital education project in the state school sector

It is necessary to ensure minimum standards of connectivity throughout the geographical area, as a preliminary step, in order to ensure a safe and sustainable path to a digital education. It needs to be the appropriate Administration, through the creation of a normative framework, that promotes the benefits and advances of a digital education.  A model agreement or contract of best ICT practice should be implemented from this…

Privacy Policy (RGPD)

Quiénes somos Escudo Web Software S.L., Calle Cervera 38, 1º, 45600 Talavera de la Reina, España (“Escudo Web”, “nuestro”, “nosotros”) desea que se familiarice con la forma en que recopilamos, utilizamos y divulgamos sus datos personales. Por esto motivo adaptamos su política de privacidad al RGPD (Reglamento General de Protección de Datos) de la Unión Europea…

Escudo Web Software

Introduction We are a technological and innovative company, with extensive experience in the education sector and also at the forefront of new trends in society. We have an immense capacity to adapt and we are constantly evolving with the changes that our digital society requires. Our projects range from the educational sector, to logistics &…

About us

Escudo Web Software came into being at the beginning of 2012 with the aim of solving the problems that the introduction of technology was causing in schools. Our goal has always been the same, to create work tools that are easy to use – we have always chosen simplicity over the breadth of features –…