What you need to know about school violence and bullying

One inescapable fact that happens inside and outside of school is bullying. While the past twelve months have possibly hidden the prevalence and damage that it does to young people a UNESCO report published before the end of 2020 reminds us of some of the facts about this appalling practice. The  report revealed that “more…

School: It’s Not Just for Kids Anymore

A very novel approach to education used in the US at the four Briya Public Charter Schools is that of “dual-generation” education, where children are enrolled as well as offering their parents a range of programs (English as a Second Language, parent coaching or workforce development classes). As this article from the NYTimes explains “children’s…

Home-schooling around the world: How have we coped?

Home schooling was, in many countries, seen as a very short-term solution to the Pandemic. Sadly, this is now a medium and possibly long-term situation if we move to a fourth wave. But while the privileged have had to put up with increased bills for therapy, and in some cases taking the option to change…

Covid: Schools warned against overloading pupils

As governments and schools reflect in order to decide on how to plan the catch up on lost learning over the last 12 months there are new voices and opinions being added to the mix. Any attempt to address this gap needs to be realistic and not over ambitious, otherwise the plan will fail. In…

Remote learning gets an “F” in poorer schools

Aunque la teoría del aprendizaje a distancia es que debería ser igual para todos, lo cierto es que, según informa McKinsey, dependiendo de si se trata de un profesor de una escuela financiada por el Estado o de una privada, los resultados son muy diferentes. Por un lado, “los profesores que trabajan en las escuelas…